Home Remedies for Dog Eye Infection

Luckily there are some helpful home remedies for itchy dogstoo. The pupils need to be the same size, and the eyes need to be free of crusting. Your dog’s eyes should have a little moisture, but watch out for things like squinting and the inner eyelid. If you see tear-stained fur or pupils that are not the same size, it could mean something is wrong.

home remedy for dog eye mucus

However, there are a couple of things to consider when opting for this all-natural solution for excessive mucus in the eyes. With fewer tears, the body tries to compensate by making more mucus to lubricate the eyes. But mucus can’t replace all the functions of tears, so the eyes become red and painful and may develop ulcers and abnormal corneal pigmentation. Tears normally drain through ducts located at the inner corner of each eye, but sometimes a little bit of goop or crust will accumulate there.

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Try to brush the hair out of its eyes regularly as well learn how wash a dog’s face properly. Irritants such as soaps and flea medicine should be kept away from your dog’s eyes because these are the chemicals that result in inflammation. Diphenhydramine is an over-the-counter antihistamine proven to be effective in treating allergies in both dogs and humans.

home remedy for dog eye mucus

If your dog has environmental allergens to things such as dust, grass, or pollen, a few things can be done to help reduce symptoms without medications. Be sure to keep your dog in a well-ventilated area that is dust-free and vacuumed regularly. Keeping them away from areas of the house where you are actively cleaning can also help. Until you know what you are actually dealing with, you won’t know how to treat the problem, never mind how serious it could be. The home remedies for dog eye infection listed above will help clear the bout in most cases but if that doesn’t happen, then you should seek the help of a veterinarian.

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Many new dog owners are surprised to learn that dogs, too, can have eye allergies. In both cases, you will likely see an uptick of clear discharge, though it can be discolored if the underlying cause is due to viral or bacterial infections. Your vet may recommend basic tests such as visual exams and scoping of the nose. Or, they may order more extensive testing such as X-rays or a sedated scope of the nasal passages or blood work to look for underlying illness.

Just like humans, dogs can develop allergies later in their life. For dogs, allergies can result inhives, watery eyes, inflammation, breathing issues, and more. Providing eye drops or allergy medication can help prevent eye discharge in this situation. Trimming the hair around your pup’s eye may also ease irritation in the area. Food can impact any health condition a canine is experiencing, and abnormal eye discharge is not an exception. Try to give your pet fresh food as it helps prevent eye discharge and improve the pet’s vision.

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You are free to use as much saline solution as possible until the fluid runs from the eyes. If the situation does not improve for the dog after 48 hours or if it becomes worse, it’s time to go to the vet. A saline rinse is appropriate if the discharge is minimal with some redness. Please do not use human eye drops as your pup may have a negative reaction. Infections can present with a variety of symptoms, including eye discharge.

Lemon juice can also help to treat eye infections at home but as the Ottawa Valley Dog Whisperer cautions, it should only be used if you are sure of the presence of an eye infection. This is because lemon juice is not helpful for conjunctivitis . Glaucoma is caused by excessive pressure in the eye and can be discerned in several ways. Cloudy eyes, bulging eyes, and excessive tearing are all symptoms of Glaucoma. This ailment can cause serious pain which may require surgery. What you do to make your baby blues, browns, or greens more comfortable depends on what's causing your dry eyes.

Preventing Eye Problems in Dogs

However, if your dog regularly gets crusty eyes, then you can prevent this by bathing their eyes daily with some damp cotton wool. Wondering whether eye discharge in dogs is normal or a sign of a deeper problem? If your dog gets some sticky bits in the corner of their eyes now and then, it's likely you've considered it nothing more than than a little gunk. Red, itchy eyes can occur because of conjunctivitis and/or many other eye diseases. Conjunctivitis may be caused by an infection , allergies, or foreign material irritating the surface of the eye.

If you don’t like plain water, any other liquid that doesn’t have alcohol or caffeine will do. Water-rich foods -- like cucumbers and watermelon -- also count. A dog fence is an important detail to consider when adopting a pet for the first time or moving your dog to a new home.

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The compress should be applied for several minutes at a time to reduce any swelling. It is not a treatment for any condition, but your dog will definitely feel better while you work on the solution. Eye discharge in dogs has many causes, from the normal to the serious. Knowing your dog’s regular amount of eye discharge can help keep you in the know for when things aren’t normal.

home remedy for dog eye mucus

Antibiotics may be given if there is an infection present or it is suspected that the injury may lead to one. This will keep your dog from rubbing or pawing at the eye, which can reduce further inflammation and infection. Eye infections are common in dogs, and they typically are not something to worry about. An eye infection that is not healing could also be a sign of a tumor or a foreign body in the eye. If you don’t see improvement after 2-3 days of using the above home treatment, or the condition seems to get even worse, take the dog to your vet immediately. Boosting your dog’s immune system is a great way to help it fight off eye infections and prevent their reoccurrence in the future.


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